Category: Projects

  • RPi NAS: Part 3 Network Connections

    RPi NAS: Part 3 Network Connections

    In the previous post we decided on booting from an SD card. Now we’ll have a look at the speed of different types of network connections. When we want to copy data to our NAS we first have to send it via a network from our computer to the Raspberry Pi. The speed of the…

  • RPi NAS: Part 2 Boot Medium

    RPi NAS: Part 2 Boot Medium

    The latest Raspberry Pi’s can boot from the built-in SD card slot but also from a USB device connected to one of the USB ports. Which one should we use for our NAS? And why? Let’s find out. So we want to select a boot medium for our NAS. There are a few options: SD…

  • RPi NAS: Extras – Greyhole

    I thought it might be a good idea to briefly talk about how Greyhole works before we continue with the main series of posts. So this post is intended to give an overview of Greyhole, it doesn’t contain any detailed instructions (those will be covered separate posts). We’ll use Greyhole to provide data redundancy for…

  • Building a Raspberry Pi NAS with Data Redundancy: Part 1 Overview

    Building a Raspberry Pi NAS with Data Redundancy: Part 1 Overview

    In this series of posts we’ll use a Raspberry Pi to build a simple, fast and affordable network-attached storage (NAS) that’s suitable for home use. Multiple copies of our data will be saved so nothing is lost when a hard drive fails. On the way we’ll also look at various important and interesting topics that…